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A Beginner's Guide to Front Matter
About the Course Creator and Illustrator (1:28)
Introduction (3:30)
Required Front Matter
Title Page, Copyright, and the Table of Contents (7:01)
Optional Front Matter
Overview of Optional Front Matter Sections (1:14)
Half-Title Page and Frontispiece (1:49)
Disclaimer (2:36)
Testimonials (3:29)
Dedication (1:46)
Epigram and Epigraph (2:10)
Lists, Maps, and Timelines (5:36)
Foreword and Preface (3:35)
Acknowledgements (0:52)
Introduction and Prologue (4:05)
Organizing the Front Matter (2:31)
Final Thoughts (0:31)
Give 20 / Get 20 Referral Program
Organizing the Front Matter
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